Monthly Archives: August 2024


When faced with an overload of distressing, worrying and just plain awful events swirling around in the friendship and family circle, not to mention in the wider world, sometimes I just need comfort reading. Lately comfort has come through gardening … Continue reading

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WILDING: the return of nature to a British farm

I read Wilding by Isabella Tree at breakneck speed and now I wish there was a sequel. So I could see if more peregrine falcons, nightingales and Purple Emperor butterflies arrived, and find out what happened with the pigs, and … Continue reading

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William Mayne is one of the cohort of writers who formed the ‘second golden age’ of British children’s books. From the late 1950’s to the 1970s, writers like Rosemary Sutcliff, Alan Garner, Phillipa Pearce, L M Boston and Joan Aiken … Continue reading

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